Our specialists can provide support for your construction project from start to finish. We provide a full range of services throughout all phases of the planning, design, construction and management of the building envelope.
They assist with specification planning and review, choice of suitable products and solutions to meet client’s expectations whilst providing a high level of performance in a cost effective manner.
Our expertise covers all elements of the building envelope particularly engineered façades such as curtain wall, windows and rainscreen walls and their backing structures.
We carry out work on all types of construction projects, regardless of whether we are working on behalf of architects, main or specialist sub-contractors.
Most often our work is undertaken for specialist sub-contractors to demonstrate solutions to criteria imposed upon them but this can be too late to make the most significant impact upon a project and
involvement at an earlier stage can be more beneficial to the final result. We would encourage such involvement with architects and their clients and main contractors as early in the life of a
project as possible.
With ever tightening regulations and a desire to save energy the thermal performance of the building envelope has a major influence on the client's ongoing building costs.
The balance between meeting the architectural aesthetic and cladding zone expectations against thermal performance can be a challenge that FEASL thrive upon.
Please see Thermal performance analysis for the many ways that FEASL can assist in providing the best solution for all.
Calling on our staff's many years of façade design experience FEASL can provide you with invaluable advice regarding project selection and specification and assist with the choice of the most cost effective solution to meet the performance and aesthetic aspirations of the developing client.
This input can have the greatest effect early in the design concept process and FEASL can provide advice to architects and developers at that stage.
When a Main Contractor is appointed, FEASL can provide services to assist them with appointment of a Specialist subcontractor and the assessing of their proposals and, if required, can remain with a project to liaise with the specialist and evaluate project design and technical submissions.
Specialist sub-contractors may benefit from advice on how to meet project specifications and select suitable products.
FEASL will assist at any stage of the project and have the capabilities to support all members of the design team.
We can assist with many aspects of façade testing whether providing expert witnessing services for clients and Main Contractors or giving support to specialist sub-contractors with their procedures.
Support for either on or off site testing activities, creation and vetting of Method Statements, liaising with test houses and provision of onsite water testing are some of the many services we can arrange.
Careful monitoring of site installations of what may be complex systems can be the difference between a successful project and a problem that causes long term issues for all. Even the best designs rely upon workmanship to ensure the desired result.
FEA can provide installation inspections, acting for clients or as part of the specialist sub-contractors Quality Assurance procedures.
Long standing experience working with major system houses such as Schüco, Reynaers, Kawneer and Hueck allows us to provide valuable advice to all of the design and installation team.
Call us on 01543 898150 or contact us directly via our contact form.